Opini Media Massa
Rethinking regional elections: Balancing efficiency and democracy
President Prabowo Subianto’s recent proposal to reconsider a revision of Indonesia’s regional election system, citing the need for economic efficiency, has sparked widespread debate. This initiative to explore alternatives to the direct election of regional leaders has prompted deeper questions about the country’s commitment to local democracy and the people’s right to directly choose their leaders.
Mencermati Rancangan Kebijakan dalam Industri Hasil Tembakau
Rancangan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan (Ranpermenkes) tentang Standardisasi Kemasan dan Peringatan Kesehatan Bergambar pada Produk Tembakau dan Rokok Elektronik menuai polemik dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan terdampak terkait substansi, prinsip maupun proses perumusannya. Ketentuan yang diatur dalam Ranpermenkes ini menciptakan ketidakpastian usaha di sektor industri hasil tembakau (IHT) dan kontradiktif terhadap upaya pemerintah dalam mendorong kepastian dan kemudahan berusaha serta berpotensi membuat daerah kehilangan nilai ekonomi.
Green Election: Realizing environmentally friendly election campaigns in Indonesia
Elections in Indonesia are a vibrant democratic celebration and political rhetoric. The sight of colorful banners, giant billboards, and scattered campaign posters in public spaces becomes a routine spectacle come each election season. But what happens in the aftermath, when the props are no longer needed? They become abandoned waste, turning election campaigns into significant environmental burdens. Can Green Election offer a solution to this problem?