Opini Media Massa
Is viral the new criteria in research for policymaking? This article was published in thejakartapos
While discussions on social media is one way to engage the public in policymaking, the powers that be should not wait for a problematic policy to go viral, and instead involve public participation before as part of the process.
Strengthening new paradigm of regional taxes and retributions This article was published in thejaka
The belated controversy over the entertainment tax rates show that the central government, in particular the financial and home ministries, must take an active role in building the capacities of regional administrations to draft implementing regulations that involve meaningful public participation.
(Lebih) Menseriusi Polemik Perberasan Baca artikel detiknews, "(Lebih) Menseriusi Polemik Perberasa
Melambungnya harga beras menandai kegagapan kebijakan ketahanan pangan selama ini. Sebab fenomena ini merupakan kristalisasi masalah pada sejumlah aspek tata kelola ketahanan pangan seperti aksesibilitas, kualitas, dan kemanfaatan pangan. Dalam jangka panjang, kekurangan pangan akan berimplikasi pada generasi yang lemah, tidak cerdas, dan tidak produktif.